KES School Governance Council
Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2022
I. Call to order: 3:15
Members Present: Teresa Conowal, Will Baldwin, Heather Glass, Cindy Sanford, Kathy Galati
Members absent: Mandy Power, Matt Wall
II. Approval of December 14, 2022
Motion by: Kathy Galati
Second by: Heather Glass
# members voted in favor to approve- All
III. Old Business
- Charter mini-grants Projects:
- Climbing Wall- Delivery expected first week of February, installed by contractors from central office by spring break.
- BMX Bike: Week before Spring Break
- *Parent survey questions for the love of reading---present survey questions to team, gather input and revise as necessary.
- Potential Model Survey
- Ideas for a Grades 3-5 survey for students
- * Once a month clubs---what has happened? –Ms. Bennett- Change in interventions schedule took up time planned for club use. Will revisit for next year.
- *Update on student numbers and possible staffing: Feb. 8 Allotment Meeting with HR to discuss potential staffing for upcoming year.
IV. New Business
- PBIS partnership with DCHS: Ms. Bennett- Big success. Kids (KES and DCHS) all enjoyed the experience. Plan to continue to offer so more students can participate.
- Approved implementation of Domino's Pizza discount card fundraiser.
V. Citizen Comments: None
VII. Adjournment: 3:45
Motion by: Heather Glass
Second by: Kathy Galati
# members voted in favor to approve: