KES School Governance Minutes
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
3:15 pm
Meeting was called to order by Mandy Power.
Roll Call
○ Members Absent
Erica Tarnacki
Kim Bennett
○ Members Present
Matt Wall
Mandy Power
Lauren Tumlin
Sheryl Edmondson
Kathy Galati
Allison Conley
○ Guests Present
Shannon Thomas, KES Instructional Technology Coach
Dr. Vicki Brannon, Director of Youth Health Services for Dawson County
Nicole Purdy, KES School Counselor
Special Recognitions
○ Allison Conley welcomed everyone and introduced guests, Shannon Thomas, Nicole Purdy, and
Dr. Vicki Brannon.
Call for approval of October agenda
Call for approval of September minutes
Old Business: Allison Conley reviewed the two charter mini-grants submitted to DCS and announced
that we had been awarded the grant for KES Stem Days.
New Business:
○ Dr. Brannon reviewed the role of DCS Health Services, as well as the role of school nurses.
(Handout attached).